She says, “I am running for Congress because I want to make a positive difference in the lives of lower- and middle-income American workers, people I have admired and still appreciate every day. Living in rural Southern Ohio, I have seen and experienced the complex issues of this region all my life. Progress is hard and challenges still surround for us but there is hope for a better tomorrow with program development, funding and work that builds and strengthens families and communities. We are strong, resilient folks but rural people need attention and action from their government. I am a resolute, committed Rural Advocate. My mission is to make your voices heard in Washington, DC. and bring actual, positive change to the quality of lives in our part of the country. The voices of Southern Ohio need to be heard on a national level because they have been quieted for so long."

Samantha’s campaign style reflects her commitment to the rural communities she hopes to represent. “I go directly to the people. Our district is geographically the largest in the state, covering Adams, Brown, Clermont, Clinton, Gallia, Highland, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Pickaway, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and Vinton counties, plus a portion of Fayette Co. on the northwestern edge. I have traveled to all of these counties and have talked to folks about the kitchen-table issues that matter to them. My votes will be based on the will of the people of the district; I will always come back to listen to constituents."

As a staunch supporter of unionization, endorsed by the largest federal employee union, the American Federation of Government Employees, Samantha says, “I believe well-paying jobs must be brought back to our communities. Eleven of the counties in this district rank in the top third of impoverished people in the state. Economic stability and growth will help diminish poverty, assist in ending the crippling opioid epidemic that affected so many rural areas, and provide our seniors with the opportunity to retire with dignity and security. With the relevant education and experience in rural outreach, relationship building, and rural advocacy, I am ready and qualified to initiate a rural revival in Congress. I can’t wait to start.”

reach out to make arrangements for her to visit your community!

Americans are strong people. We care about one another. We fight for one another, not against one another. It is time that we look to all fellow Americans as brothers and sisters. We all want the same things: respect, opportunity, equality, and the right to pursue our dreams. 

I will always fight for policies that support and uplift rural America.

Get to know samantha

Samantha Meadows grew up on a small farm in Scioto County and graduated from Ohio Christian University with a degree in Human Services, a specialty for people passionate about helping others and interested in service-based careers. Her background and education set the stage for this candidacy.

Learn about the issues

Rural Power


Social Security provides crucial income to millions of Americans. Retirees, senior citizens, disabled, and surviving spouses should never have to worry about the loss of their income. Ensuring that those benefits remain intact for our citizens is a top priority for me. I have volunteered as an End-of-Life Companion because I know that Medicare does not provide adequate coverage for longterm at-home care. Caring for your dying loved ones is heartbreaking and stressful. The last thing the families need to worry about are finances, but it looms heavy on their minds. We need better programs to safeguard families from losing their savings and homes due to extended illnesses. In addition, Medicare must include vision, dental, and hearing. I would fight for the addition of those services because I know how they directly affect families. I care.